





Photosynthesis appears to be simple but it is a complex total of 140 different processes and the scientists took decades to prove their theory — which they tested on tobacco plants.. Another injection can be used to dissolve the polymer.

That’s the entire amount of CO2 that India emits each year!6. And this is not some, ‘Oh look he can move the egg without breaking it’ experiment. But there’s much to go. Founder Elon Musk says entire trains will go into the factory, only to emerge as batteries!12. Which means millions of burps are responsible for that big hole in the Ozone layer. That was 34 years ago.1. We found a likely replacement for Earth; are able to cut out diseases and can now control the way plants grow. The scientists were able to give back 24-year-old Ian Burkhart, who had been a quadriplegic for six years, the use of his fingers using small chip in his brain. Shyamnath Gollakota and colleague Joshua Smith have modified two devices — one that emits a radio signal and the other that modifies that radio signal into electricity.

CRISPR however, knows the threats and immediately after it detects an attack, the system sends relevant tips and guides to the Body’sdefence system — helping prevent the attack in the first place. The process is also reversible. But now, special sweet potato has been developed by cross-breeding local varieties with those that are China PVC injection molding machine Factory rich in Vitamin A. A private rocket returns. Gravitational Wave This has been one of the most innovative decades in human history. And rockets are forced to carry a lot of fuel just to escape the Earth’s gravity — over 90 per cent of the rocket is just a big tank of flammable liquid.11. But the EM Drive relies on microwaves that are pushing into a cone for propulsion. It has been around for years, but in 2016, China has taken it to a whole new level as experts  there are trying to remove damaged DNA cells from cancer patients. SpaceX has had a few setbacks and this year, a Falcon 9 rocket blew up before it could take off. Once inserted, the chip transmits signals to a terminal, which then fires off that information into an electronic sleeve worn on the man’s arm. This leads to one gigantic war involving tiny cells. Einstein first thought this concept up back in 1916 and exactly a hundred years later, we found the very ripples that flow through this fabric. The EM driveNasa’s EM drive engine wasn’t supposed to work. Now, imagine you have to parallel park and you have run short on space.10.13. Gravitational WavesImagine the Universe as one giant, still-spreading fabric consisting of space and time. The technology was first suggested in 2001 by aerospace engineer Roger Shawyer but now, in 2016, Nasa is secretly diving deep into EM drive.

It’s called Proxima Centauri B, located 4. Which is why 2016 has been an important year for SpaceX.15. This polymer blocks the sperm from creating surprises and one injection lasts for a few years. Burkhart was able to play the guitar!8. It’s also just a little bigger than Earth. But Banthia focussed on building a solution that could help his home country. The world’s biggest factoryA 13-year-old car firm, which never has had a year of profit, is building the world’s largest factory at a cost of 5 billion. The male pillNow, this is coming soon. close enough for contact.4. Since 2014, his team has been busy working — 90 kilometres from Bengaluru — on a road  that can heal itself.2. Feeding seaweed to cows can save the planetFarting cows can destroy the planet.7.  In 2016, that road was deemed a success. CRISPR stands for ‘Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats’. When viruses attack the body, the system has to learn how to fight it. But scientists have come up with a solution. The factory will also recycle. Plants shield themselves from extra sunlight (otherwise they will be bleached) and it takes them an hour to come back to full photosynthesis production under the shade.9. A home away in spaceIf things get worse here on Earth, we may have a new destination. Photosynthesis has been ‘extended’In November, food scientists from the University of Illinois were able to prove how photosynthesis can be tweaked to produce better crop yields. It’s also 30 per cent cheaper to build and can last for 15 years! How does it work? Well, just water the cracks and the nano coating in the road will help it heal itself. The 360-degree tyre debuted in markets in March. A major requirement for re-usability of a rocket is that it must land vertically — vertical landings save costs, and time between launches. On B, a year lasts just 11 days and the planet exists in a zone in the universe scientists believe encourages water and perhaps, an atmosphere. The new potatoes are also more resilient and have better immunity from viruses. In theory, you can’t generate thrust without a fuel. B’s discovery is crucial because it busts a myth about Red Dwarf stars. The 360-degree tyresGoodyear is re-inventing the tyre. It’s a game that needs strategy and Lee Sedol is one of the best at it. Man moves metal fingers, for metalThe University of Ohio has achieved something wonderful. But two scientists have deviced a way to transfer power wirelessly. verticallySpaceX has been struggling to build a rocket that can be quickly prepped to fly again. And it could be a good place to work too. Vasalgel claims to be a non-hormonal male contraceptive and the only other “stopping device” that’ll be approved by the American Food and Drug Administration, since the condom. Analysts say Vasalgel will be available in the market from 2018.17 gigatonnes. The gravitational waves were triggered by a colossal explosion — between two black holes — and took their time to reach Earth where they were picked up by the  Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (thankfully shortened to LIGO). The firm is hoping the tech will excite those working on autonomous cars and yes, they could be on to something there. AlphaGo’s makers say the programme’s success means it can soon be applied in climate modeling and medical services.

It’s a procedure carried out under the blessed protection that’s anesthesia. It wasn’t easy though. But the scientists have figured out how to speed up the process of recovery, thereby increasing the photosynthesis period. Currently, the factory is bigger than 95 football fields. That sleeve proceeds to use wires to power up specific muscles, making the fingers move in real time. Banthia’s road is 60 per cent thinner than the usual car killers and replaces about 60 per cent of cement with fly-ash. AI finally beats a humanMankind has been playing Go for centuries. The whole world is waiting for the results from that op. But in March, Google DeepMind’s AI programme, AlphaGo, beat Sedol to score one of the most important victories for AI. On April 8, it was able to land a rocket vertically on top of a floating drone ship. The 360- degree tyre will allow you to just move sideways, right into that god-given space at the local mall. It’s basically a polymer that’s injected into the man’s sperm-carrying tubes, via the scrotum. In simpler terms, CRISPR is the ability to specifically target viruses and bacteria that threaten an organism. They say feeding cows dried seaweed can cut the methane production by over 70 per cent, or 2.3. The Road that repairs itselfNemkumar Banthia left for beautiful Canada after a few years at one of India’s finest finishing schools — IIT Delhi. A very sweet potatoIn the vast arid plain of sub-Saharan Africa, over 43 million children under the age of six suffer from severe Vitamin A deficiency. Following is a list of important scientific discoveries and innovations from the year 2016. “Whereas traditional tires are bolted to cars, the Eagle 360’s hover beneath them, free from the limits of traditional steering,” says the company. Gravitational waves can offer us a deeper peek into the vast black using time. You see, light from the distance takes time to reach us and astronomers limited to using light to study objects will have a better access to the history of Space using gravitational waves. The boffins are not sure about “habitability” in the purest sense but are confident because B is close. It was hailed as a big step towards privatising Space travel.2 light-years or 25 trillion miles from our Big Blue. CRISPR is the methodImagine editing out problems within our genes.. No, don’t worry. The tyres rely on magnetic levitation. The facility will be used to build batteries and the Tesla electric car. Power from the airAll our devices need electricity and that means carrying around an extremely annoying power chord. The bovine population is responsible for 44 per cent of all human-caused methane — a gas that has 36 times the global warming potential of carbon dioxide. Red Dwarfs were not seen as hosts for life but now, experts believe they could be holding hospitable planets nearby. Without the need for fuel, spacecraft can move deeper into Space. And the best part is, reactionless drive can help us reach Mars in three months!5.Following is a list of important scientific discoveries and innovations from the year 2016



No Name Ninja